About me

I am a research scientist based in at the University of Exeter, UK. Like many other people at the moment, I currently work from home.

I study Arctic permafrost and the carbon cycle using computer modelling: I develop models that replicate measurements from field studies and lab experiments, and run them to simulate the future. I also analyse large numbers of measurements to detect patterns. My research helps to understand the links between the land surface and the global climate.

My publications on Google Scholar

Current Projects

NERC Independent Research Fellowship, Constraining Arctic Carbon-Cycle Feedbacks. See my project webpage!

ECCLES: Emergent Constraints on Earth System Sensitivities. I am co-supervisor for Becky Varney who is studying Emergent Constraints on the Terrestrial Carbon-Cycle, as part of a project led by Prof. Peter Cox.

T-MOSAiC permafrost thaw: I am co-lead of a group developing standardised protocols for collecting data on permafrost, to help with modelling. Led by Prof. Julia Boike.

Past Projects

COUP: COnstraining Uncertainties in the Permafrost-climate feedback

CLIFFTOP: Climate Feedbacks From Wetlands and Permafrost Thaw in a Warming World (led by Dr. Garry Hayman)

CoMIP: Collaborative Earth System Model Development and Intercomparison on Permafrost Processes (led by Dr. Hanna Lee)

PAGE21: Permafrost in the Arctic and Global Effects in the 21st century

Contact me
